Learning about Learning - Part 1

The plan for the next few weeks is to develop a deep understanding about machine learning and statistics. Even though I have used and applied machine learning to many projects, and have taken a number of offline and online courses on machine learning, I feel like I don’t have a visceral understanding of it and have barely scratched the surface. My goal is to have a strong theoretical foundation and avoid the “throw things at it and see what sticks” approach.

Stage 1: Build a strong mathematical foundation, be able to reason about probability from a measure theoretic perspective and fill in holes in math. The plan of attack is:

I will write more about Stage 2 in a future blog post and about tactics/lessons about effectively learning this material, provided I am able to get through it in a reasonable amount of time.


Now read this

Writing a web server from scratch

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I have been reading more about system calls in the Unix kernel recently and am thinking of writing a small application to apply what have learnt and gain some experience with systems programming. So, I’... Continue →